Liberty In Our Bonds

But Paul cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Do not harm yourself, for we are all here!” And he called for lights and rushed in, and trembling with fear he fell down before Paul and Silas, and after he brought them out, he said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” – Acts 16:28-30
“The victory of this story against the backdrop of such a great injustice, such an impossible set of circumstances, is compelling.”
After casting the spirit of divination out of a slave-girl, costing her owners a lucrative business, Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown in jail. In response, these men did not allow the despair of their circumstances to break their focus on GOD. The bible records that at midnight they prayed and sang hymns of praise to God. In the midst of their singing, a earthquake broke the bonds of everyone in that jail. The victory of this story against the backdrop of such a great injustice, such an impossible set of circumstances, is compelling. The powerful imagery is a statement on the attitude that a christian must have if they are to overcome unfair treatment while serving God’s Kingdom.
“Ponder the idea, that no one sought their own freedom, not even Paul and Silas who were wrongly jailed.”
It is intriguing, however, that everyone’s bonds were loosed, yet every prisoner stayed within the confines of the darkest, dampest, part of the prison. Ponder the idea, that no one sought their own freedom, not even Paul and Silas who were wrongly jailed. Furthermore I am firmly convinced that if they had not prayed and sang hymns of praise to GOD, no one would have had the benefit of being physically free from their shackles. Paul and Silas, in those conditions, under those circumstances, stayed and ministered to the people around them; even their jailer.
“It should not be lost on believers, that when it counts, a bond servant does not look to fulfill their own comforts, while others languish in the bonds of sin.”
I believe Paul and Silas knew that GOD was in control of their circumstances. Although they were imprisoned, their liberty was intact through Jesus. They had supreme trust that GOD had moved not only on their behalf but for those imprisoned. It should not be lost on believers, that when it counts, a bond servant does not look to fulfill their own comforts, while others languish in the bonds of sin. It should be duly noted that the christian’s charter is to be a disciple that makes disciples. To that end, all the resources of GOD are at your disposal. Notwithstanding what we perceive, persecution, freedom, poverty, or wealth, we must stay the course and continue to share the gospel message.
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